Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #2

1. When I'm nervous I yawn (strange, I know...)

2. My favorite item in my closet is my black leather flats.

3. Reading a fiction novel and snacking is my favorite thing to do when I need to relax.

4. My favorite childhood memory is traveling in Northern Michigan.
5. Something you may not know about me is I rearrange my furniture every couple of months, I crave change!

6. A true friend forgives the small things, and holds you accountable for the big things.

7. Something I hope people think of when they think of me is that I'm sincere and trustworthy.

link up at the little things we do!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I really like browsing through Better Homes and Gardens' decorating slide shows. There are so many pictures that I have saved for inspiration. Here are some of my recent favorites, with my notes, for your viewing pleasure! :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hoping for so much more

My friend Rachel is on The World Race right now, an 11 month mission's trip that will take her and her team to 11 different countries around the world. She's been blogging about her experiences in Australia, the first country on their route. You can read her posts here.

What she most recently wrote really struck me. In this season of my life, I've been doing a lot of waiting on God. Hoping and praying for things to change can be very frustrating if your expectations aren't from God. Rachel writes about wanting to be close to God, hearing His voice and being holy. Her expectations were that those things would come naturally on the race, but she's found that there's more to it than just being on a mission's trip. She writes:
"I am learning that the Lord can change things in the blink of an eye but He most often chooses to work things out gradually. That is as much his will as miraculous signs and wonders. I think the Lord is showing me that it takes time and patience for these things to come. Not only patience but an expectant, hopeful, Christ centered patience that puts Him at the forefront of things and not the blessing or hoped outcome of what we are waiting for. I was reading in my commentary about hope in Romans 5.
It said, Hope is not an uncertain, wishful thought but an assurance of something not yet fully experienced but guaranteed here and now by the love of God that the Holy Spirit pours into believers' hearts.
That is the kind of hope I am talking about. I was listening to a sermon today from The Village Church and the pastor Matt Chandler said something very interesting. He said religion seeks out God's blessings..., but the Gospel seeks out God. The only blessing a true follower of Christ should seek is the presence of God. I think I am learning that I haven't been desiring the presence of God solely. I have been desiring other secondary things like songs or even ministry opportunities, which are both good things if they a birthed out of a heart that is seeking Christ and Him alone."
I am so impatient for change sometimes. I needed to hear what Rachel had to say today. I get so wrapped up in what is going on with me, and what I have to do that I forget to let God into it all. I'll stop and pray at different times during the day, but I forget that He wants to walk through all of it with me. I am so tired. I have been working hard to hold things together, and I am so tired. I go to the Lord when I'm desperate, when I'm struggling, when I'm frustrated, when I'm sad, and when I'm lonely. But then I go back to relying on myself once those feelings have passed. I want to start desiring His presence in my life continually, not just in the hard times.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Fill-ins #1

picture found at

1. If I could medal in an Olympic event it would be
downhill skiing (the skiers are so amazing!).

2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take my family, pen and paper & hair ties .

3. Being alone and being sick are my most irrational fears.

4. I'd rather clean the bathroom everyday, than match socks everyday.

5. I am going to look for a new tv this weekend at all the Good wills around town.
6. I should really be more tired, it's been a long week!

7. One of my favorite things in all the world is sunny days like today, after all the rain, snow and clouds.

Link up at the little things we do...